First Timer’s Meet-Up

Network with fellow first-time attendees at a relaxed gathering just prior to the MCE Welcome Reception. Attendees will hear from ATA's leadership and have the unique opportunity to share experiences and insights with other MCE newcomers. Attendees can then make their way to the Welcome Reception together with their newly found colleagues.

*Separate registration is not required, but attendees must have a first-timers ribbon to enter. Ribbons will be found at registration.

ATA Gives Back - An MCE Community Service Project

Join ATA and give back to the local Nashville community at MCE. New this year, our community service project will support Hands On Nashville and attendees can help assemble Winter Care Kits that include socks, hats, and gloves, as well as make No Sew Fleece Blankets that will be distributed to local homeless shelters and children's hospitals. Space is limited so act fast and secure your spot to support Nashville at MCE!